Happy Birthday, Americans with Disabilities Act!

July 26th, 2015 marked the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and some of our partners went all out with their celebrations.

Southwest Washington Disability Alliance (SWWADA) hosted a picnic for people with disabilities, their families and friends. The afternoon included field games, sensory play, friendship and the opportunity to connect with an accepting environment and community resources.

SWWADA's two most popular members, Rojo and Smokey the therapy llamas, attended as well, both wearing superhero costumes. They gave the guests lots of carrot-y kisses.

A group photo of SWWADA members, including two llamas in superhero costumes.

The Portland Office of Equity and Human Rights, the Portland Commission on Disability and their community partners hosted an event the same afternoon at Immigrant & Refugee Community Organization (IRCO). Members of the Disability community were invited to share their stories. Storytellers included Keith Scholz, the chair of OPAL Environmental Justice Oregon's Bus Riders Unite Leadership Committee, and Inclusive Arts Vibe Dance Company (IAVDC).

In the evening, Disability Art and Culture Project (DACP) held a Happy Birthday dance at Zoomtopia, where guests rocked out to "We Are Family," "Don't Stop Me Now," and "Got to Give It Up." So, all in all, it was a pretty fantastic day.

IRCO, OPAL Environmental Justice Oregon and DACP were all funded partners in our Learning Together, Connecting Communities cohort. SWWADA is funded by a Healthy Beginnings+Healthy Communities Organizing Grant.